Communal Effort
Our community values creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce, promote and protect social networks, public spaces, works of art, and methods of communication that support such interaction.
At Vulcan Empire, we create a network of motivated movement artists working to spread and promote fire and flow arts around the world. Working together to create Vulcan Empire in Black Rock City builds our network and allows us a space to reach each other from our many diverse paths in life. We hope our diaspora inspire and influence each other and continue to support each other long after the dust settles.
Our community
Vulcan Empire acts as a conclave support camp and gifts Black Rock City citizens a 24hr flow space, and guided instruction with classes Monday-Friday. Our focus is to provide both introductory, as well as expert level instruction for individuals new or curious about flow arts, and long time performers looking to add some new moves to their repertoire. We also create events, like our classic Monday night fire jam, and partner with camps to create fire filled parties. All Campers are expected to contribute to our camp gift in some way.
Camp Tasks
Camp Tasks help maintain a moop free, organized, and well running camp. Every camper is expected to contribute to Camp Tasks. These tasks range from kitchen duty, interactivity duty, moop duty, build week, and LNT. Some examples below-
camp Chores
Kitchen Cleaning
Fuel - Keep the generator going!
Ice Runs - take a walk to Artica with a friend
Spin School Teachers
Vulcan Empire needs volunteers willing to gift an hour of their time to teach various classes contributing towards our camp gift!
Fire Jam Saftey team
Our Monday night Fire Jam typically lasts 2-3 hours and needs a safety team! 2 safeties, a fuel dump tech, and a Fire Jam Lead to coordinate. This 4 person team is critical to keeping the fire going all night long! We’d love to have another one after the man burns, but that requires another safety team, are you up to help? Reach out to the Fire and Flow Leads!
Spin your first fire team
Our spin your first fire classes occur multiple times during the week at sunset. Campers support burners who have never spun fire to give it a try for their first time! Guided by experienced campers to educate virgin fire spinner burners on safety methods, prop choice, clothing fabrics, and spinning techniques!
Event Coordinators-
Our events need coordinators! Each year we create specialized events, campers can volunteer to help coordinate these events, and monitor them to ensure success!
Sunday Breakdown- Everyone helps! 9am-5pm Sunday
Leave No Trace Team- Monday-Tuesday post Burn!
Sunday Breakdown
Sunday is Breakdown. Everyone participates. Breakdown starts at 9am, and lasts until 6pm, when we stop for Temple burn. ALL CAMPERS ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE. If we finish before the hours are up, awesome, then we’re done. Breakdown involves dismantling and organizing
Spin School
Public/Private Lounges
Camping Shade
Bike Racks
Trailer Packing
Leave No Trace(LNT) is the most important aspect of Burning Man. It’s our responsibility to ensure the playa is as flat, clear, empty and dusty it is upon arrival. Thethe LNT team leaves playa when the job is done, and no sooner. LNT is typically finished by 3pm on Tuesday. If you’d like to join the LNT crew, please contact us!
Leave No Trace
Camper Dues
All Campers contribute to the economic costs of camp. Camp dues are determined in the spring after the camp council decides a budget and the camp size for the year. Dues are tiered by date, and contribution to camp. Individuals can contribute time to camp leadership and leave no trace to offset their contribution requirement.